- Account:账号模块;
- Token:资产模块,定义了Token规范;
- STC:STC是Starcoin的原始资产,是Token的一个实现;
- Timestamp:时间戳模块,取Block的时间作为链上时间;
- Event:事件处理模块;
- Math:数学运算模块;
- Errors:异常处理模块;
- Vector:数组模块;
- Config:配置模块,例如区块奖励模块RewardConfig、VMConfig等等,将各种配置文件存储到链上,方便未来调整;
- Dao:链上治理模块;
- TwoPhase:两阶段更新Module;
- NFT协议
- Oracle协议
- Genesis:创世交易;
- Block:区块元数据;
- Epoch:周期;
- Create account
let auth_key = x"91e941f5bc09a285705c092dd654b94a7a8e385f898968d4ecfba49609a13461";
let account_address = Account::create_account<STC>(auth_key);
- Get authentication key with address
let auth_key = Account::authentication_key(account_address);
- Get address from authentication key
let auth_key = x"91e941f5bc09a285705c092dd654b94a7a8e385f898968d4ecfba49609a13461";
let expected_address = Authenticator::derived_address(auth_key);
- Get balance
let balance = Account::balance<STC>(account_address);
- Get sequence number
let sequence_number = Account::sequence_number(account_address);
- Deposit
let coin = Token::mint<STC>(&account, 100);
Account::deposit(account_address, coin);
- 判断WithdrawCapability是否被代理
let is_delegated = Account::delegated_withdraw_capability(account_address);
- 获取对应WithdrawCapability的address
let with_cap = Account::extract_withdraw_capability(&account);
let account_address = Account::withdraw_capability_address(&with_cap);
- 获取对应的Capability:extract_xxx_capability
- 进行操作
- 存储Capability:restore_xxx_capability
- Change authentication key
let rot_cap = Account::extract_key_rotation_capability(&account);//1. get capability
Account::rotate_authentication_key_with_capability(&rot_cap, x"123abc");//2. change key
Account::restore_key_rotation_capability(rot_cap);//3. restore capability
- Pay from capability
let with_cap = Account::extract_withdraw_capability(&account);//1. get capability
Account::pay_from_capability<STC>(&with_cap, payee, 10000, x"");//2. pay from capability
Account::restore_withdraw_capability(with_cap);//3. restore capability
- peer_to_peer
TransferScripts::peer_to_peer_v2<STC>(account, payee, amount);
- peer_to_peer_with_metadata
TransferScripts::peer_to_peer_with_metadata_v2<STC>(account, payee, amount, metadata);
- 批量转账不同amount
TransferScripts::batch_peer_to_peer_v2<STC>(account, payeees, amounts);
- 3个账号创建1个多签账号
let pubkey1 = x"c48b687a1dd8265101b33df6ae0b6825234e3f28df9ecb38fb286cf76dae919d";
let pubkey2 = x"4b2a60883383be0ba24ed79aa5a6c9379728099a7b0c57edcec193a14ea5fce2";
let pubkey3 = x"323285d3d4b0f19482730c5f481d9f745c2927d73c231bad47859d9b2f7376f1";
let keys = Vector::empty<vector<u8>>();
Vector::push_back(&mut keys, pubkey1);
Vector::push_back(&mut keys, pubkey2);
Vector::push_back(&mut keys, pubkey3);
let t = Authenticator::create_multi_ed25519(copy keys, 1);
t = Authenticator::create_multi_ed25519(copy keys, 2);
t = Authenticator::create_multi_ed25519(copy keys, 3);
let auth_key = Authenticator::multi_ed25519_authentication_key(&t);
- 获取多签账号地址
let account_address = Authenticator::derived_address(auth_key);
- 序列化 to_bytes
public fun to_bytes<MoveValue: store>(v: &MoveValue): vector<u8>
- bytes反序列化为地址 to_address
public fun to_address(key_bytes: vector<u8>): address;
- Add
public fun and(x: u64, y: u64): u64
- Or
public fun or(x: u64, y: u64): u64
- Xor
public fun xor(x: u64, y: u64): u64
- Not
public fun not(x: u64): u64
- Lshift
public fun lshift(x: u64, n: u8): u64
- Rshift
public fun rshift(x: u64, n: u8): u64
- 输出 print
public fun print<T: store>(x: &T);
- 输出堆栈 print_stack_trace
public fun print_stack_trace()
- 错误码的实现如下,对定义了一些通用的 caregory,对具体的原因进行移位后相加得到了错误码
fun make(category: u8, reason: u64): u64 {
(category as u64) + (reason << 8)
- 状态异常 invalid_state
/// The system is in a state where the performed operation is not allowed. Example: call to a function only allowed
/// in genesis
const INVALID_STATE: u8 = 1;
public fun invalid_state(reason: u64): u64
- 需要地址 requires_address
/// The signer of a transaction does not have the expected address for this operation. Example: a call to a function
/// which publishes a resource under a particular address.
const REQUIRES_ADDRESS: u8 = 2;
public fun requires_address(reason: u64): u64
- 需要权限 requires_role
/// The signer of a transaction does not have the expected role for this operation. Example: a call to a function
/// which requires the signer to have the role of treasury compliance.
const REQUIRES_ROLE: u8 = 3;
public fun requires_role(reason: u64): u64
- 需要能力 requires_capability
/// The signer of a transaction does not have a required capability.
public fun requires_capability(reason: u64): u64
- 资源尚未发布 not_published
/// A resource is required but not published. Example: access to non-existing resource.
const NOT_PUBLISHED: u8 = 5;
public fun not_published(reason: u64): u64
- 资源已经发布 already_published
/// Attempting to publish a resource that is already published. Example: calling an initialization function
/// twice.
const ALREADY_PUBLISHED: u8 = 6;
public fun already_published(reason: u64): u64
- 参数错误 invalid_argument
/// An argument provided to an operation is invalid. Example: a signing key has the wrong format.
const INVALID_ARGUMENT: u8 = 7;
public fun invalid_argument(reason: u64): u64
- 超出限制 limit_exceeded
/// A limit on an amount, e.g. a currency, is exceeded. Example: withdrawal of money after account limits window
/// is exhausted.
const LIMIT_EXCEEDED: u8 = 8;
public fun limit_exceeded(reason: u64): u64
- 内部错误 internal
/// An internal error (bug) has occurred.
const INTERNAL: u8 = 10;
public fun internal(reason: u64): u64
- 已过时 deprecated
/// deprecated code
const DEPRECATED: u8 = 11;
public fun deprecated(reason: u64): u64
自定义 custom
/// A custom error category for extension points.
const CUSTOM: u8 = 255;
public fun custom(reason: u64): u64
struct DummyEvent { dummy: u128, }
Event::emit_event<DummyEvent>( &mut account_ref.dummy_events, DummyEvent { dummy: value, }, );
- 注册token register_token
public fun register_token<TokenType: store>(
account: &signer,
precision: u8,
- 移除mint 权限 remove_mint_capability
public fun remove_mint_capability<TokenType: store>(signer: &signer): MintCapability<TokenType>
- 增加mint权限
public fun add_mint_capability<TokenType: store>(signer: &signer, cap: MintCapability<TokenType>)
- 销毁mint权限 destroy_mint_capability
public fun destroy_mint_capability<TokenType: store>(cap: MintCapability<TokenType>)
- 移除burn权限 remove_burn_capability
public fun remove_burn_capability<TokenType: store>(signer: &signer): BurnCapability<TokenType>
- 增加burn权限 add_burn_capability
public fun add_burn_capability<TokenType: store>(signer: &signer, cap: BurnCapability<TokenType>)
- 销毁burn权限 destroy_burn_capability
public fun destroy_burn_capability<TokenType: store>(cap: BurnCapability<TokenType>)
- mint mint
如果发起方没有mint的权限会失败,没有权限的话应该使用 mint_with_capability
public fun mint<TokenType: store>(account: &signer, amount: u128): Token<TokenType>
- 使用权限mint mint_with_capability
public fun mint_with_capability<TokenType: store>(
_capability: &MintCapability<TokenType>,
amount: u128,
): Token<TokenType> acquires TokenInfo
- Burn
跟mint一样需要权限 参考 MINT
public fun burn<TokenType: store>(account: &signer, tokens: Token<TokenType>)
- 使用权限burn burn_with_capability
public fun burn_with_capability<TokenType: store>(
_capability: &BurnCapability<TokenType>,
tokens: Token<TokenType>,
- 创建价值为0的Token zero
public fun zero<TokenType: store>(): Token<TokenType>
- 获取价值 value
public fun value<TokenType: store>(token: &Token<TokenType>): u128
- token分割
public fun split<TokenType: store>(
token: Token<TokenType>,
value: u128,
): (Token<TokenType>, Token<TokenType>)
- 提取 withdraw
public fun withdraw<TokenType: store>(
token: &mut Token<TokenType>,
value: u128,
): Token<TokenType>
- 合并 join
public fun join<TokenType: store>(
token1: Token<TokenType>,
token2: Token<TokenType>,
): Token<TokenType>
- 充值 deposit
public fun deposit<TokenType: store>(token: &mut Token<TokenType>, check: Token<TokenType>)
- 销毁为0的token destroy_zero
public fun destroy_zero<TokenType: store>(token: Token<TokenType>)
- 获取市场流通总量 market_cap
public fun market_cap<TokenType: store>(): u128 acquires TokenInfo
- 是否注册在某个地址 is_registered_in
public fun is_registered_in<TokenType: store>(token_address: address): bool
- 是否同一个Token类型 is_same_token
public fun is_same_token<TokenType1: store, TokenType2: store>(): bool
- 获取Token的地址 token_address
public fun token_address<TokenType: store>(): address
- 获取Toke的code token_code
public fun token_code<TokenType: store>(): TokenCode
- Token code的结构
/// Token Code which identify a unique Token.
struct TokenCode has copy, drop, store {
/// address who define the module contains the Token Type.
addr: address,
/// module which contains the Token Type.
module_name: vector<u8>,
/// name of the token. may nested if the token is a instantiated generic token type.
name: vector<u8>,
- 获取精度信息 scaling_factor
public fun scaling_factor<TokenType: store>(): u128 acquires TokenInfo
- 获取当前时间(秒) now_seconds
public fun now_seconds(): u64 acquires CurrentTimeMilliseconds
- 获取当前时间(毫秒) now_milliseconds
public fun now_milliseconds(): u64 acquires CurrentTimeMilliseconds
- 创建 empty
fun empty<Element>(): vector<Element>
- 创建只有一个对象的vector singleton
public fun singleton<Element>(e: Element): vector<Element>
- 反转 reverse
public fun reverse<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>)
- 获取长度 length
fun length<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): u64;
- 借用一个不可操作对象 borrow
public fun borrow<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, i: u64): ∈
- 向尾部添加一个对象 push_back
public fun push_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element);
- 借用一个可操作对象 borrow_mut
public fun borrow_mut<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): &mut Element;
- 从尾部获取一个对象 pop_back
native public fun pop_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>): Element;
- 销毁一个空 vector destroy_empty
/// Destroy the vector `v`.
/// Aborts if `v` is not empty.
native public fun destroy_empty<Element>(v: vector<Element>);
- vector里两个位置的对象互换 swap
/// Swaps the elements at the `i`th and `j`th indices in the vector `v`.
/// Aborts if `i`or `j` is out of bounds.
native public fun swap<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64, j: u64);
- 两个vector 拼接 append
public fun append<Element>(lhs: &mut vector<Element>, other: vector<Element>)
- 是否为空 is_empty
public fun is_empty<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): bool
- 是否包含元素 contains
public fun contains<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): bool
- 获取元素位置 index_of
如果不存在该元素会返回 (false,0) ,这里需要先判断bool,不能直接获取index拿来用
public fun index_of<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): (bool, u64)
- 移除某个位置的元素 remove
public fun remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element
- 交换并移除某个位置的元素 swap_remove
该操作会把 i 位置的元素与最后一个元素兑换位置,然后将原本 i 位置的元素移除
public fun swap_remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element
- 拆分 split
public fun split<Element: copy + drop + store>(v: &vector<Element>, sub_len: u64): vector<vector<Element>>
该模块是作用是包装一个值对象,这个包装中的值对象可有可无。例如 let op = Option